To replace the BigCommerce default order view page with the WeSupply order page, please follow the steps outlined below.
This ensures that your customers can open the WeSupply order status page from their My Account section once signing in to your BigCommerce store. Using the WeSupply order page, they can check the latest shipping status of their packages, sign up for SMS updates, and start a return.
Note: The WeSupply order page can only be used for orders imported to your WeSupply account.
Step 1. Access your BigCommerce admin
Step 2. Click Storefront
Step 3. Go to Script Manager
Step 4. Under the "Name of the Script" field put it WeSupply.JS and choose the following settings:
- Location on Page - Footer
- Select Pages where Script will be added - All pages
- Script Category - Essential
- Script Type - Script
Step 5. Paste the following code at the start of the footer:
<script> if ("{{page_type}}" === 'account_orderstatus') { var wsClientName = '###client_name###'; (function e(){ var e=document.createElement("script"); e.type="text/javascript",e.async=true,e.src="//"; var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t) })(); } </script>
6. Replace the ###client_name### portion of the text in the code above with your WeSupply's account name. Make sure to keep the single quotes at the begging and the end of the client name.
Step 7. Click Save.
You can check if the WeSupply order page opens as expected in the My account section of BigCommerce by using a test customer account. Log in to the test customer account and make sure you place an order that syncs to your WeSupply account. As soon as the test order is imported to WeSupply, open the order view page in BigCommerce. As a result, the WeSupply order page should be opened instead of the default order page from BigCommerce.
Example of BigCommerce default order page:
Example of WeSupply order page:
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