Each fulfillment in Shopify can be updated by WeSupply to indicate whether it has been delivered or is out for delivery.
Other apps like Stamped.io and others who rely on that data can use your shipping and delivery information. Unless you have special fulfillment operations or data where you don't want this data inserted, we strongly recommend using the WeSupply fulfillment event to further build email workflows such as purchase reviews, product reviews, CSAT, NPS, etc.
You can then begin using this delivery data to send email reviews from Stamped.io once the steps below are completed. On Stamped.io, you can find additional instructions. Create a Webhook first in Shopify.
1) Go to Shopify's Settings > Notifications
2) In Webhooks Section > Create Webhook
3) Create the following event:
The URL should be in the format:
https://stamped.io/api/plugin/shopify/webhook/( REPLACE_WITH_STORE_URL)/(REPLACE_WITH_API_PUBLIC_KEY)?intervalReviews=3&intervalNPS=7
Note: You can find your API public key in Stamped.io by going to Settings > API Keys > API Key Public.
Once we receive notification from Shopify that the order has been delivered, we will reschedule the review request email to be sent 3 days later, and if NPS is enabled, the NPS email will be sent 7 days after.
Note: Your review request email interval settings should be set at a longer delay (e.g. 30 days), so if for any reason the notification doesn't get triggered, the review request email will still be sent 30 days later.
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