Freight Tracking via API updates
Freight Tracking via Zapier updates
Freight Tracking via Integromat updates
In some cases, you may need to include tracking details for orders imported into WeSupply which have items that are shipped via external sources not included in standard carriers such as UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc.
Freight shipments are not always easily tracked during the process of delivery, which can lead to many uncertainties, both for the customer and business. As there are no clear solutions to track freight shipments within a nice and branded user experience, often, customers are left wondering where their packages are. And this is how the entire post-purchase experience becomes a real nightmare.
WeSupply solves this problem by giving customers the opportunity to monitor their deliveries in real-time, providing peace of mind and less hassle for shoppers and your customer service team. As soon as we get new updates about the shipment status, we notify customers automatically and with a single click, they can look up their packages in a self-service experience. No more phone calls, WISMO questions, and waste of time for both sides.
WeSupply supports over 800 carriers around the globe (check our integrations page), and if you cannot find your carrier or freight company among our supported carriers, you might be interested in other methods available for triggering shipping updates. We describe those below.
Freight Tracking via API updates
Sending freight tracking updates it's possible via the WeSupply API by updating the order with a few pieces of extra information. These are the Custom Tracking Information Parameters that WeSupply needs in order to be able to handle tracking from such external sources:
- ItemShippingStatusId
- ItemShippingStatus
- ItemTrackingUrl
Here's a quick example of an XML section that contains these details:
For JSON order import format, use the same parameters "ItemShippingStatusId", "ItemShippingStatus", "ItemTrackingUrl" along with the corresponding values you need to send.
These can be included in the XML/JSON that's sent to WeSupply in order to update the order via our API. For more information on how to use our API, please refer to our WeSupply API Docs.
NOTE: Please note that, for orders that are updated with a custom tracking URL using this method, WeSupply will not automatically update the status for tracking numbers and you will need to perform an order update every time the carrier updates the shipping status with the new status.
Also, every time you perform an order update with a new ItemSippingStatusId, the related notification will be sent by WeSupply.
Freight Tracking via Zapier updates
If you're not a big fan of native API integrations, you can also send external tracking updates via our Zapier integration through a simple Google sheet. There are eight fields required to be sent over to WeSupply and the steps that need to be taken to perform this integration are explained in the following article: How To Perform A Shipment Update With Zapier
Freight Tracking via Integromat updates
Integromat is a 3rd party automation platform that allows you to connect to WeSupply and perform shipping updates in a similar manner as described above for the Zapier integration: Update Shipment via Integromat
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