To customize the Header and the Footer of your Email notifications, and add the navigation links to your Emails' Header and Footer, simply go to the WeSupply Login page and log into your WeSupply Admin panel. Then follow the steps listed below:
Go to Settings -> Branding -> Notifications -> Common Templates section -> Edit Template for Header or Footer.
A. Template Header
Step 1
Customizing the Template Header
From the left-hand side, you'll be able to change the Colors & Fonts, while you can also add Email blocks by clicking on the Template Variables tab. Make sure to click over the Save button if, for the time being, these are all the changes you'd like to be applied.
Step 2
Adding links into the Template Header
- Moving forward, after uploading the company logo into WeSupply, you could also insert the link to your website's homepage. On this tab, click over the View/Hide Code Editor toggle button -> scroll down a bit and change the highlighted link with the one that points right to your website's homepage. (e.g. '''')
From now on, when your customers open their email notifications and click over your company logo, they'll jump right into your website!
- Most likely that your customers would love also to click over the Home/Tracking/Support buttons to automatically head over into your website. For this, scroll down to the highlighted links -> change the example links with your own links (the homepage, tracking, and customer support link from your website). Make sure to click the Save button! :)
B. Template Footer
Step 1
Customizing the Template Footer
From the left-hand-side, you'll be able to change the Colors & Fonts, while you can also add Email blocks by clicking on the Template Variables tab. Make sure to click over the Save button if, for the time being, these are all the changes you'd like to be applied.
Step 2
Adding links into the Template Footer
Going further, you can choose whether or not you'd like to add links to your social media accounts. For doing that, make sure that the Code Editor is open in the view mode, by clicking over the View/Hide Code Editor toggle button.
Next, scroll down to the highlighted links and change them one by one with the links to your social media platforms. When you're done, just click the Save button! That's it! :)
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