Requirements: You will need two (or more) WeSupply Accounts to connect a Magento MultiStore to each brand.
Step 1: To make everything easier, we suggest starting by connecting your Magento to Brand 1 first, and then adjusting to connect to Brand 2
To connect your store to Brand 1 please follow these instructions
Step 2: Now that you've successfully connected Magento Brand 1 to WeSupply Brand 1 it's time to move on to connecting Magento Brand 2 to WeSupply Brand 2.
Head into the Admin -> WeSupply -> Configuration section on your Magento instance and switch the Store-View to your Brand 2 Store-View, using the Magento 2 Store-View Switcher:
Step 3: Head into your WeSupply Dashboard for Brand 2, navigate into the Settings -> Integrations -> App Integrations -> Magento section, and update the Access Key and API Endpoint with the details listed in the WeSupply Integration section:
For the Store ID (under Providers -> Magento in the WeSupply Dashboard), fill in the corresponding Store ID for the Brand 2 Store-View in Magento. You can which ID corresponds to which Store-View under the WeSupply Integration section, in the IDs of existing stores section. In the case of our example, the Store ID we need to fill in is 3, as it corresponds to our Brand 2 Store View.
Note: if you have multiple domains/store views, please make sure that the WeSupply Domain from the store configuration in Magento, matches the one configured in your WeSupply account.
Step 4: Hit Save in your WeSupply Dashboard and you should be done! Your Magento Brand 2 Store-View should now be connected to your WeSupply Brand 2 Account. Orders placed on your Magento Brand 2 Store-View will now be imported into your WeSupply Brand 2 Account.
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