Go directly to Step 1 if you downloaded the app from the Zendesk Marketplace.
If the app was not found, it can be downloaded from here and you can install the app by following the instructions in this Zendesk Article.
As soon as you download the connector, log into the WeSupply Admin Page.
Step 1
Once you're logged in, go to Settings -> Integrations -> App Integrations -> Scroll Down the Other Apps section -> Click on Zendesk
Step 2
Domain: Add your Zendesk domain name
Pairid: Click on the Generate button, this will generate a long random number that you will need to add to Zendesk.
Save your settings.
Step 3
Now head over to your Zendesk Admin Panel.
As soon as the app is installed, go to the App configuration section from Zendesk and:
- fill-in your WeSupply Admin Key. This can be found in your admin URL. For example on: https://clientname.labs.wesupply.xyz/a15c4e6f2c1e1a3e7570ad/admin
The Admin Key is: a15c4e6f2c1e1a3e7570ad
- fill-in your WeSupply PairId, which was generated above. The PairId value can found in your WeSupply account under Settings->Integrations ->App Integrations -> Zendesk.
- add your WeSupply Domain. Example: clientname.labs.wesupply.xyz Make sure to use only the domain name, without "https://" or "www".
Now that the Zendesk app is correctly configured, you will be able to see for each ticket that was opened by an existing customer all the orders, packages, and tracking numbers.

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