Download the Magento 2 extension
How to install the extension (manual installation)?
How to install the extension (composer installation)?
How to upgrade the extension?
Extension Changelog
To get started and be able to connect your Magento 2 store to WeSupply, you'll first need to download the latest version of the Magento 2 extension by clicking the link below:
Download Magento 2 Extension v1.12.10 (November 25, 2024)
If the browser still downloads the previous version, clear the Cache from the browser settings and initiate the download again.
Step 1
Before installing the WeSupply extension on your store, please verify the extension compatibility.
This extension is currently compatible with the following Magento 2 versions: 2.3.X - 2.4.X.
It is highly recommended that you install the extension on a testing/development/staging server before installing it on a live/production server and that you have a code + database backup that you can use to revert in case of any deployment issues.
We also recommend that the installation be performed in developer mode.
Step 2
Copy the extension files to the path indicated below. If the app/code/WeSupply folder is missing, please create it manually:
Step 3
Access the root of your Magento 2 project via the command line and run the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable WeSupply_Toolbox --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush
Note: If your environment is in developer mode, you don't need to run the setup:di:compile and setup:static-content:deploy commands.
Step 4
Flush any other caches that you might still have enabled on your server or in Magento.
Step 5
The extension should now be installed and you can confirm this by logging into your Magento Admin and searching for the WeSupply extension.
The extension does not currently have a public repository available, so for the time being, composer installation is only available via the Magento Marketplace.
To install one of the available variants of the extension from the Magento Marketplace, you'll need to place an order, after which you'll be provided with the installation command.
Note: Make sure you have the correct authentication keys in the auth.json file found at the root of your Magento 2 project. The keys need to match the ones associated with the account you used to place the order.
Here's an example of the commands you need to run to install via composer, after ordering from the Magento Marketplace:
composer require wesupply/toolbox
php bin/magento module:enable WeSupply_Toolbox
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 1
Download the latest version extension files from the link at the beginning of this article and unzip the files on your computer.
Before performing the upgrade, just as with the initial installation, we recommend this be performed on a testing/development/staging environment first, as well as to have a backup of the code + database that you can use to revert in case of any issues.
We also recommend performing the upgrade in developer mode. Use the following command to place your store in developer mode:
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
Step 2
Remove the Toolbox folder from app/code/WeSupply.
Step 3
Copy the new Toolbox folder from the newly downloaded extension package to the server in app/code/WeSupply.
Step 4
Run the following commands via your SSH terminal:
php bin/magento maintenance:enable
rm -rf generated/* var/cache/* var/page_cache/* var/view_preprocessed/*
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
NOTE: If, for any reason, you get a Database Lock error when running the
setup:upgrade command, simply run it again and it should go through fine.
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento maintenance:disable
All done! :)
If you've installed the extension manually and need to remove it from your system, you can follow the steps below:
1. Disable the extension with the following command:
php bin/magento module:disable WeSupply_Toolbox
2. Remove the extension code from app/code/WeSupply
3. Update the database with the following command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
If you've installed the extension via composer from the Magento Marketplace, you can remove it by following the steps below:
1. Disable the extension with the following command:
php bin/magento module:disable WeSupply_Toolbox
2. Update the database with the following command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
3. Remove the extension code via composer with the following command:
composer remove wesupply/toolbox (replace with your exact component name)
What’s new in v 1.12.10 - November 25, 2024
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p3, 2.4.6-p8, 2.4.5-p10, and 2.4.4-p11 versions.
- Introduced compatibility with the Mageworx Order Editor extension.
- Added various minor adjustments for increased security.
What’s new in v 1.12.9 - July 17, 2024
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Introduced compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.7-p1, 2.4.6-p6, 2.4.5-p8 and 2.4.4-p9 versions.
- Added adjustments to account for new Magento CSP restrictions, particularly on the Checkout.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes result in images for Child Products not being pulled.
What’s new in v 1.12.8 - March 18, 2024
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the connection between WeSupply and Magento from being made properly on Magento Commerce instances with website restrictions enabled.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent product dimensions, such as weight from being imported into WeSupply correctly, when configured in the Toolbox module.
- Optimized the image fetch process, ensuring the extension now fetches the Small Image from Magento, as opposed to the Base Image, which is larger.
- Fixed an issue that, in some cases, prevented specific attribute types from being exported from Magento for use in WeSupply via Toolbox options.
- Fixed a bug related to permissions/ACL that would prevent the extension's settings from being accessed unless the user had an admin role.
- Updated Magento Admin comments and setting descriptions around options that require a Domain Alias for increased clarity.
- Confirmed compatibility with the latest 2.4.6-p4, 2.4.5-p6 and 2.4.4-p7 versions.
What’s new in v 1.12.7 - September 6, 2023
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- New Feature: Improved the logging process to ensure enough debug information is written into the wesupply.log file when an error occurs during the order import/update process.
- Fixed an error that would sometimes be thrown when using specific payment methods that capture orders after authorization.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the extension from correctly reading DB tables that have prefixes.
What’s new in v 1.12.6 - April 20, 2023
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added compatibility for stores that serve product images from external locations, such as Adobe's Remote Storage or Amazon's S3. Previously, product images would only render correctly if served from the Magento 2 instance.
- Added functionality to ensure an order update is triggered when a customer updates their email address from within their store account.
- Added functionality to send Customer Group and Customer Group Description to WeSupply for use with Return Logic Conditions.
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally prevent certain frontend notification messages from being displayed.
- Fixed a bug that would result in a console warning related to properly nested and closed HTML tags.
- Confirmed compatibility with Magento 2.4.6, 2.4.5-p2, 2.4.4-p3 and PHP 8.2.
What’s new in v 1.12.5 - November 18, 2022
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Optimized the Magento Order Import process by increasing the XML file size limit
What’s new in v 1.12.4 - July 14, 2022
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- New Feature: Added the possibility of displaying Gift Messages in WeSupply Email templates via variables. This applies to Gift Messages added to the whole order, as well as those added to individual items.
- Improved the Order Import/Update process, which now better accounts for bulk imports/updates that are sent to WeSupply in a very short period of time.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Standard and Virtual/Downloadable Products to be bundled together in the WeSupply Order View.
- Optimized the extension installation and upgrade process in order to comply with Magento Best Practices.
What’s new in v 1.12.2 - May 23, 2022
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Fixed an error specific to Magento 2.4.4 that prevented Shipping Options from loading on the Checkout Page when the Estimated Delivery Date functionality was enabled.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Estimate Delivery Ranges from functioning properly in the Cart and on the Checkout Page when set to "As Range: Earliest - Latest".
- Fixed a bug that prevented Estimated Delivery Dates from being calculated for non-swatch type attributes.
- Fixed a bug that prevented orders which contained products with no images from being imported into WeSupply while using PHP 8.1.
- Fixed an error that was thrown on the Tracking Page when it was set to "Open in Magento" while using PHP 8.1.
What’s new in v 1.12.1 - April 25, 2022
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Confirmed compatibility with the latest Magento 2.4.4 and 2.3.7-p3 versions, as well as PHP 8.1.
- Added a new option that allows for invoices to be generated automatically in Magento when an order is marked as Picked Up in WeSupply.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Estimates functionality to become hidden on Product Pages when using an invalid ZIP code. An error message was also added to inform the user of the invalid ZIP code.
- Fixed an issue that would, in certain cases, cause a connection reset when switching between WeSupply accounts connected to the same Magento instance.
- Adjusted Order View and Return List button links in the Magento Admin.
- Adjusted links to pages displayed in the Help Center section of the extension in the Magento Admin.
What’s new in v 1.11.1 - January 27, 2022
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added functionality to be able to partially refund returns, and to be able to split a return in multiple refunds.
- Improved messages for Credit Memo.
- Improved code to better compatibility with custom code that changes the default Magento checkout flow.
- Improved the cron that collects orders that were created via custom code.
- Fixed an issue when the refund was set as Store credit.
- Fixed an error for delivery estimation functionality that was generated when custom checkouts are used.
- Fixed an issue that generated an exception on the Tracking page when using PHP 7.2.
What’s new in v.1.10.21 - December 16, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added performance optimizations for DBs with a large number of orders.
- Optimized the cleanup cron job that removes old entries from the WeSupply DB table.
- Optimized the import/update process for orders imported/updated via external APIs.
What’s new in v.1.10.20 - November 15, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added new WeSupply Return option: Instant Credit (by creating a Magento Coupon Code).
- Fixed an issue related to the Auto Close process of WeSupply Returns.
What’s new in v.1.10.19 - September 14, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Optimized the order export functionality to include updates on orders, invoices, and shipments created from an external processor or custom modules
- Fixed an issue related to the connection between WeSupply and Multi Websites Magento configuration
What’s new in v.1.10.18 - August 30, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Improved order export functionality to include orders imported from eBay and Amazon that have hidden or missing customer billing address
What’s new in v.1.10.17 - August 10, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Fixed a display/design issue related to the SMS Notification Sign Up Widget
- Replaced the default Magento tracking number link with the WeSupply Branded Tracking Page
What’s new in v.1.10.16 - July 29, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added new options in the Toolbox configuration section that allow for replacing the default Magento Order List with the one imported into the WeSupply Platform
- Improved the return and refund functionalities to avoid duplicate refunds on slower servers
- Fixed an error that was thrown when WeSupply tried to import an order containing a product that no longer exists
- Fixed a bug related to canceled orders that were placed using the In-store Pick Up delivery method
What’s new in v.1.10.15 - July 14, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Optimized database performance by adding a cron job that removes orders older than 6 months from the WeSupply table
- Enhanced compatibility with 3rd party ERP software by adding a cron job that automatically detects order updates
- Fixed an error that was thrown when WeSupply tried to import an order containing a product that no longer exists
- Fixed an issue that prevented pickup and curbside orders from being canceled via the frontend
What’s new in v.1.10.14 - June 8, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added a new option in the Toolbox configuration section that allows for excluding orders in the "Complete" status from being imported into WeSupply (this applies only to orders created directly with the "Complete" status)
- Added XSS security enhancements
What’s new in v.1.10.13 - May 10, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Extended WeSupply import process to include Virtual and Downloadable products
- Optimized the order export functionality to avoid duplicate items in case the shipment is created/updated from an external processor, via an API call
- Fixed a bug related to Estimated Delivery Date range calculation and display
What’s new in v.1.10.12 - April 8, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- New Feature: Added a new option in the Toolbox configuration options that allows for excluding pending orders from being imported into WeSupply
- Fixed a bug that prevented estimation ranges from being displayed on the frontend
What’s new in v.1.10.11 - March 11, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Implemented the In-store pickup functionality
- Added new admin configuration options for Estimated Delivery Date frontend display
- Added Help Center Pages in the Magento Admin WeSupply section
- Fixed a height issue related to the Shipment Tracking iFrame
What’s new in v.1.10.10 - February 1, 2021
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Fixed an issue specific to Magento 2.4.x which prevented estimates from working on configurable products
- Fixed a height issue related to the store locator iframe
- Added more detailed error logs in case of failed refunds
What’s new in v.1.10.9 - December 8, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Fixed an issue whereby online refunds would sometimes be processed offline
- Fixed a small Shipping Method Title display issue on the Checkout Page
What’s new in v.1.10.8 - November 25, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Fixed an issue related to processing refunds when the Magento MSI functionality was disabled
What’s new in v.1.10.7 - November 23, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Added compatibility with Magento's In-Store pickup functionality (Magento 2.4.x)
- Added more specific messages in case of errors during the return process
- Optimized iframe resizer for Open in Modal order view behavior
- Updated product image path generation process
What’s new in v.1.10.6 - November 5, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Updated the order export functionality to include compatibility with the Magento Multi-Source Inventory feature.
What’s new in v.1.10.5 - October 19, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Removed a deprecated refund method.
- Confirmed compatibility with the newly released Magento 2.4.1 version.
What’s new in v.1.10.4 - October 9, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Orders excluded through the import process are no longer saved in the DB. This avoids accidental duplicate orders in WeSupply.
What’s new in v.1.10.3 - September 29, 2020
Improvements, optimizations, and fixes:
- Optimized and improved the FetchSingleOrder API functionality.
- Added style adjustments for embedded Store Locator iframes.
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