Drop shipping from China can sometimes lead to customers being concerned about the shipping and transit locations displayed on the order tracking page. With the WeSupply Labs platform, you can easily hide these locations and only display the tracking updates and important dates such as when the package is in transit, handed to the carrier, and delivery confirmation. Follow the steps below to customize your tracking page and hide shipping and transit locations.
1. Log in to your WeSupply Labs Admin Panel
2. Once logged in, head to the "Settings" tab located in the main menu
3. In the "Settings" tab, find and click on the "Branding" option
4. Locate the "Tracking Page" section
5. Click on the "Edit Template" button for the tracking page to access the customization options
6. Scroll down to the "Global Custom CSS" box and add the following code:
p.update-title.ng-binding.ng-scope {
display: none;
.location {
display: none;
p.aside-card-title {
display: none;
7. After adding the code, click the "Save" button to apply the changes to your tracking page
8. To ensure the shipping and transit locations are hidden, visit your tracking page and check if the locations are no longer displayed by going to Settings > Branding > Pages > Click View Page for Tracking Page.
Example of tracking updates without shipping and transit locations:
By following these steps, you can easily hide the shipping and transit locations from your order tracking page on the WeSupply Labs platform. This will allow you to display only the essential tracking updates such as in transit, out for delivery along with the and dates. If you need further assistance or have a unique use case that requires hiding specific locations on your WeSupply Labs pages, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
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