If you're having trouble generating a return label, don't worry. We've put together a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot the issue.
Step 1: Check Your Return Carrier Configuration
The first step is to make sure that your EasyPost or Shippo account is connected to your WeSupply account. To verify this, go to your WeSupply Dashboard and click on Settings > Carriers >Return Carriers. Make sure that your default return carrier is enabled.
Step 2: Verify Return Methods and Policies
Next, you need to verify your return methods, policies, and logics. Go to Settings > Return Methods > Return Policies and Logics. Check if the "Generate Return Labels" setting is selected with a "Yes". Also, verify that your return rule is active by toggling the Active button and saving changes.
Step 3: Upload the Return Address
Go to your WeSupply settings > Locations > and Manage CSV Locations. Make sure that you have uploaded your return address. Once your return address is uploaded, you should be able to generate return labels for your return location.
Step 4: Verify the Customer's Shipping Address
If the Generate Label functionality still doesn't work, verify that the customer's shipping address is valid. You can quickly check this by copying and pasting the shipping address on Google. This will help you verify if the address exists and if it's the right location.
Step 5: Modify the Shipping Location
If the customer's shipping location is not correct, you can modify the shipping location in your system and update the order to force an order update with the new location. Follow the steps provided in your article here to make the necessary changes: How to generate return labels when the customer's shipping address is incorrect?
If you have followed all the steps above and are still unable to generate a return label, please contact our support team. They will be happy to assist you in resolving the issue.
In conclusion, generating a return label can be a simple process if you follow the steps outlined above. By verifying your account connection, return methods, policies, and logics, uploading your return address, and verifying the customer's shipping address, you can quickly troubleshoot any issues and generate a return label with ease.
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